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Level 4

Best way to create a list of Components and the Source/Destination paths??

Is there any way of creating the list of Components and their Source/Destination paths in an InstallScript project? I have a very long list of Components, so the manual process takes too long.
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(4) Replies
Flexera Alumni

When are you trying to create this list? At build time, or run time, or ...?
0 Kudos
Level 4

At any time is ok. This is for reporting/documentation and other similar purposes.
0 Kudos
Flexera Alumni

You can use InstallShield Automation on the .ism project file, for example:

' change ProgID for your InstallShield version
set ism = CreateObject("ISWiAuto15.ISWiProject")

ism.OpenProject "InstallScript2009.ism"

for each comp in ism.ISWiComponents
WScript.Echo & " going to " & comp.Destination
next ' comp

ism.CloseProject: set ism = Nothing

P.S. This being VBScript code to run using cscript /nologo thisfile.vbs in a command prompt...
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thanks Robert, I will try that out.
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