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Level 7

setup.exe - prerequisites running silent

I'm creating a setup which uses setup.exe.

My Problem:
How do I have to start that setup.exe, that in his prerequisites the applications are running with the command line "when the setup is running in silent mode"?

Regards and thanks in advance!
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(3) Replies
Level 13


This will depend on your prerequisites. Also, I am not certain what type of setup you are using . If you are using a basic MSI, then the prerequisite editor should provide a UI for specifying the silent conditions for a prerequisite. In the Redistributable view, right click on the prerequisite you need to specify a silent condition. Select 'Edit Prerequisite'.
Click the tab 'Application to Run'.
The second edit field will allow you to edit the command line for silent install for your prerequisite.

Now, what that command line string should look like depends on the vendor who packaged the software. For instance Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Runtime Redistributable has the command line '/q:a /c:"msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn"'

If this does not address what you want just reply with some further details so the community can better help out.

Hopefully this gets you on the right track. Good luck.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Thank you Dan,

but how start the IS-Setup.exe, which calls the prereques, that the apps are started with the "silent" command line?

0 Kudos
Level 7

I was very fixated on "/q".
It is "/s", which can be found in "Specifying Command-Line Parameters for an InstallShield Prerequisite".
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