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Level 7

Where are prerequisite command line parameters stored?

I need to recover the command-line parameters I specified (using the prerequisite editor) for an old build that installed SQL Server 2008 as a prerequisite. My old computer was wiped and I lost all the merge modules / prerequisite files! I have downloaded a new, fresh prerequisite for SQL Server 2008, but of course it only has the original default command line parameters. I need to know what the old parameters were, and I'm sure that information can be found somewhere on the old build CD, but where?

I have looked in setup.ini, my application's *.ini file, etc., but no luck so far. Does anyone know where to find this information??

Also, another question -- since I have the CD with the old build, could I simply copy the files in the ISSetupPrerequisites folder; i.e., do they have their command line parameters stored within them? If so, that solves the problem. But I am thinking the parameters are stored somewhere else (in the compiled setup.exe maybe?).

Thanks for any information.
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Level 7

Here is the solution they provided, in case anyone needs to know:

The command line parameters used in launching a prerequisite are in the compiled setup.exe so unfortunately it cannot be retrieved this way. However, a setup.exe log will record the parameters used, but this method is only available starting with InstallShield 2009. Was the old build of the setup built in InstallShield 2009? If so, please try running your setup from a command line with the /debuglog option, e.g.:

setup.exe /debuglog"C:\debuglog.txt"

The log file will have several lines indicating the parameters used, such as the following:
Creating new process for prerequisite, launching command line...
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