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Level 6

Passing installer title in build params??


I’m using Iscmdbld.exe to build my Basic MSI project. In my project I have 3 features (lets call them apple, orange, pear ). So I build one project, but using the build parameters so that I build only apple or orange or pear into my installer. I want to set the title of my installer to when I build apple 2.1, when the installer is run by an end user it says “Installing Apple version 2.1” in the title. I don’t want to have to open up my project every time there’s a minor version change to updated a value. I just want to change the shortcut to pass the new title (or part of the title) as a build parameter. How can I do this?
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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Instead of using "[ProductName]" in the titles (as projects do by default), perhaps use, say, "[MyTitle]"; you can then pass the value of MyTitle or whatever you choose using the -z switch to IsCmdBld.
0 Kudos
Level 6

Thanks it's perfect!
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