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Level 6

Installing Files from SUPPORTDIR

I have put a set of files in my basic MSI install package into the support directory because I want to be able to install them to several different locations. (a plugin for adobe acrobat/reader) So instead of including the files 6 different times for 3 different versions each of acrobat and reader. I want to install the files from using an InstallScript.

I've tried XCopyFile and this copies the files, but they are not removed during uninstallation. Am I just going to need to create a seperate uninstall script to remove the files, or add them to the RemoveFile table? Or is there a better command to use in the installscript to make the files copied "part of the install"?
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(8) Replies
Level 6

Do I need to Enable(LOGGING)? and is there a particular part of the installation steps where I should run my installscript? I believe I currently have it going after InstallFiles.
0 Kudos
Level 7

LOGGING is enabled by default so I don't think that will help. But I would suggest a delete installscript custom action to be called at the end of the setup.
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Level 16

What project type are you using?
0 Kudos
Level 6

Basic MSI project. The files are placed in the SUPPORTDIR so that I can copy them to the subsequent areas. I thought all XCopyFile actions were suppose to be logged for uninstalling.

I am calculating and updating file cost after the FileCost action and actually performing the XCopyFiles for the different plugins after InstallFiles.
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Level 6

Well Ive basically just created scripts that will uninstall the files when that is called for. Though I would like to know why XCopyFile is not being logged as the documentation says it should be.
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Flexera Alumni

I think the issue is just that InstallScript changes are logged for uninstallation only for InstallScript and InstallScript MSI projects (please see "InstallScript Functions that Are Logged for Uninstallation", for example) and not for Basic MSI projects with InstallScript actions...
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Level 6

ah, I got it. Im only using a Basic MSI project because that is what it started out as (before I got here). Perhaps I should just recode the thing as an Install Script project. Probably be cleaner that way.

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Flexera Alumni

Depending on what you're doing, you might also look into using the MoveFile table, RemoveFile table, or both...
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