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Level 3

Check Upgrade Scenario


I have an installer which had to be patched. I also put in some updates to code into this installer. We have existing clients that uses our product and I want to release one version of the installer (which will install the application for new clients and upgrade existing client's files). When I push the new installer to an existing client's machine and run it it upgrades their machine (which I think it should do). Unfortunately, it also runs all the SQL scripts which come with the installation package. So, my question is, is there a property I should be checking for SQL Scripts so not to run them in an upgrade scenario?


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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

One possibility is to add "Not PATCH" as (part of) a condition on actions you want not to run during a patch installation.

For non-patch minor upgrades, perhaps look at the condition on the SetupResume dialog box in the sequences.

For major upgrades, you can use "Not ISACTIONPROP1" (or whatever action property your major upgrade item uses).
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Level 3

OK, after a bit more research, I created a patch in my installer and it was still running the SQL Scripts. So, I changed my SQL Script Script Conditions from

NOT Installed


NOT Installed AND NOT Patch

Note, I also tried:
NOT Installed AND PATCH <> ""

And it is still running my SQL Scripts. I am at a lost on what condition I should add to my SQL Scripts so it does not run when I install the patch. Any help would be appreciated.
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Flexera Alumni

If you create an MSI log file, is there any information about those conditions succeeding or failing?
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