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Uninstall a prerequisite to downgrade component - msi

With my MSI install - suppose as a prerequsite I installed SQLCE SP2 on a users machine for our first release. Due to unforseen circumstances, with our next release we have to install SQL CE SP1 instead (whoops). This would mean detecting SP2 on the current machine, uninstalling it, then having the SP1 install take over.

Can something like this be done? I can't envision how a person would code something like this.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

I agree that scenario is a mess for many reasons. For example, if you ever in the future require SQLCE SP2, then reinstalling this piece will break it, etc. That said, there are two main approaches. One is to use InstallShield 2012's new suite projects as a bootstrap which can detect and "fix" this scenario. The other is to create some sort of bootstrap level project which addresses things in the same fashion, such as a wrapper InstallScript project. The more specifically you can target this scenario (perhaps only run if version x.y of your product is on the machine), the safer it will be.
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