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Level 2

Unable to perform Major Upgrade


I am trying to create a Major Upgrade for my application, but seem to be getting it wrong... I wonder if anyone here can help me understand what's going on...

I created an InstallShield MSI project for my application, setting the Product Version to I left the Product Code, Upgrade Code and Package Code to the values generated automatically for me by InstallShield.

Now I copied the original project file, renamed it, and updated it to reflect the changes of my new version (adding files, etc). According to the Major Upgrade scenario, I changed the Version (to be, the Package Code and the Product Code, but left the Upgrade Code the same.

I created a Major upgrade item in the Upgrade part of the project, selecting the "products sharing my upgrade code" and "any earlier version" options.
I also selected the "completely uninstall old setup before installing new setup" option.

When I tried to install the new setup, it showed me the Update/Repair/Remove dialog, which was not what I expected.

Why hasn't the expected behavior of simply uninstalling and then installing the new version worked (with or without a user prompt to perform the previous version removal)?

What have I done wrong (if at all) when trying to get this upgrade to work?

Thanks in advance,
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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Does the InstallShield upgrade validation tell you anything? Or perhaps create a run-time MSI log file?
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Level 2

Sorry for a (maybe) stupid question, but what is the Upgrade Validation and how do I use it?

I executed both setups again on a clean machine passing the /Verbose argument to setup.exe so a log file will be created, and tried to look into the log files to find some clues... it seems IS detects the major upgrade, but does not act upon it, and that's where I'm at a loss...

I'm attaching both log files here.... maybe you will see something I didn't...
The first is called ver100 which is the log file for the initial version and the second is ver101 which is for the Major Upgrade to version

Thanks a lot!!

- Roi
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Flexera Alumni

Upgrade validation normally happens automatically when you perform a build. You can also manually start it using Build > Validate > Upgrade Validation Wizard.

There are also log-file analyzers under the Tools menu; perhaps one of those will be of use...
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