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Level 2

Missing JAR Packages?

I think I may have posted this message elsewhere in the wrong forum, so bear with me.

I installed ISMP 11.5 Premier (evaluation version) on my Linux system and using a utility from a partner to build an installer for a popular IDE plug-in.

However, while running his scripts, I came across some compilation errors. Some are on my partner's end, but others seem to come up from a missing InstallShield package, namely:


The class referred to is named LocalizedStringResolver; both are described in InstallShield MP API's documentation.

I checked the JARs in the lib directory with zipinfo, but while there is a subdirectory for com.installshield.util in ide.jar, there are no .class files listed there.

Does anyone know if these classes are in another JAR file I might have missed or perphaps in an update to ISMP?
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Level 2

Found a solution. For those who've used previous versions, many different components, including the classes found in ${ismp.home}/lib/wizard.jar, have all been moved into ${ismp.home}/distributables/engine/engine.jar, where ${ismp.home} is the directory you have ISMP 11.5 installed in.
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