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Level 3

Minor upgrade installation problem

I have a basic MSI instyallatiion and I am trying to carry out a minor upgrade for existing installations. When I run the instsall on a system with an earlier version of the software installed then I the instsall says it is updating the installation and the update proceeds normally. However none of the files are actually updated.

The version numbers of the new files are higher and the dates indicste thay arer newer files but the files are not being replaced.

Any suggestions for what my be wrong.
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(4) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Assuming InstallShield's upgrade validation doesn't warn you about anything, creating an MSI log file at run time might be a useful next step.
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Level 3

InstallShield's upgrade validation gives a warning that the upgrade will be a major upgrade.

How do I get a log file. I have run the setup.exe with /debuglog but no log file appears.

I have set Create MSI logs to yes, and although a check box to display the log file appears at the end of the install I cannot get the checbox to set when I click it.
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Flexera Alumni

For Basic MSI, you can generate a log file with this:

msiexec /i product.msi /L*v everything.log

or with this:

setup.exe /V"/L*v c:\everything.log"

The validation describing it as a major upgrade means the ProductCode value has changed; was that intentional?
0 Kudos
Level 3

The current version no longer has a file present in it, and so I have marked the upgrade from a specific old version as to be an automatic upgrade.

Thanks for the info on the logging, I stumbled across it earlier today while searching the user guide.
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