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Level 3

Software Manager install updates failing

Problem with the Software Manager:

After launching InstallAnywhere (8 Enterprise) recently, the Software Manager popped up informing me that I had new updates that I should download and apply. After checking on the first checkbox and clicking on the "Install" button, the download appeared to take place, but when I clicked the "Finish" button on the preceeding page (the "Back" and "Next" were grayed out), it does not appear that it actually installed the new update.

The same situation happens for each update that is listed to apply.

I've attached screen shots for review.

Now, anytime I bring up IA 8, this Software Manager pops up with the same updates showing to apply.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?


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(2) Replies
Level 3

i got the same thing its so annoying:( 😞 what should i do with this?
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Level 7

I have the problem that software manager comes up and says "no updates"! Very annoying, to always have this extra window to close.
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