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sudo true, sudo command not found

We have this error at every assessment for some Solaris servers:


Privilege Access Test Failed


Can someone please tell me what exactly the device is checking at this moment? What commands are sent to the servers?

We checked the sudoconfig file for 2 servers, one ok and the other with the error, the files are the same, also the user is identical, they are in the same network, the same IP class.

OS Solaris 10.

Thank you

(2) Replies
By Level 3 Flexeran
Level 3 Flexeran


This is testing the ability of the discovery account to elevate its privledge with sudo.

To test that, the command run is sudo true

This privledge elevation must run without use of TTY or requiring a password to be entered as documented here


The error sudo not found implies that these Solaris servers do not have privledge elevation available to them. 

sudo true
uname -a

TTY is disabled

Still have the error, Thank you