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By Level 4 Flexeran
Level 4 Flexeran

In today’s cloud-centric landscape, efficiently managing cloud costs and savings is vital for any organization striving to optimize its cloud usage. To help you gain better insight and control over your cloud expenses, we're excited to introduce Rule-Based Dimensions in our Recommendations Tables. This new functionality enables you to filter and organize your cloud optimization recommendations using custom dimensions tailored to your business needs.

What Are Rule-Based Dimensions?

Rule-based dimensions  are customizable, user-defined categories that allow you to view and organize your organization’s cost data based on criteria specific to your business. With these dimensions, you can automatically categorize recommendations by business unit, department, product, project, or any other relevant dimension. Additionally, you can combine rules to create meaningful categories that enhance savings analysis and reporting.

Rule-Based Dimensions Work in Recommendations Tables

Cloud environments often involve numerous resources, services, and teams, all contributing to overall usage and spend. Rule-Based Dimensions allow you to group and filter optimization recommendations in ways that mirror your organization’s structure and objectives. This feature enables you to:

  • Filter Recommendations: Focus on the most relevant savings opportunities by filtering recommendations based on the Rule-Based Dimensions critical to your organization.
  • Group Recommendations: Organize recommendations into categories that align with your organizational priorities for easier review.
  • Improve Decision-Making: Gain a deeper understanding of savings opportunities, enabling you to take targeted actions to optimize cloud resources.

You can start using Rule-Based Dimensions within the Rate Reduction and Usage Reduction recommendation tables (Cloud > Cloud Optimization > Optimization and Cloud > Cost Optimization > Billing Centers).

Get Started Today

Begin using Rule-Based Dimensions in your recommendations tables to achieve a clearer and more actionable view of your optimization possibilities.

For additional information, check out our documentation: Rule-Based Dimensions in Recommendations Tables.

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