If you need to change a user’s password, it’s best to use the Forgot Password link in FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications.
If a user can't reset their password for any reason and is logged out of FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications, then the following steps will allow you to reset the password.
- Get the Extendedpropertyset_id for the user running the select statement below, changing <username> to the name of the user you're using:
SELECT Extendedpropertyset_id from PLT_USER
WHERE USERID = '<username>';
- Take the Extendedpropertyset_id from the previous select statement and add it to the BELONGSTOSET_ID in the select statement below:
WHERE BELONGSTOSET_ID = 'addExtendedpropertyset_id' and METADATA_ID = '1';
- Take the ID from the previous select statement and add it to the ID = in the select statement below:
SET TEXTVALUE = 'MD5,Base64:ISMvKXpXpadDiUoOSoAfww=='
WHERE ID = <ID number>;
- Log into FlexNet Manager for Engineering Applications with your username and “admin” as the password.