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Potential issues caused by having multiple Batch Processors configured within FNMS.

You might have multiple Batch servers for multiple reasons such as, copying data from Production to UAT, recently changed to a new server and not decommissioned the old Batch server correctly or potentially run the installation wrong. However the case, the following information will inform you as to the problems and solutions you might face in these scenarios.

In your environment you should only ever have 1 Batch processor configured to run. Whether this be part of your single server implementation or Split out across multiple servers.

The reason for this is that triggers within the database are sent to the batch processor for tasks such as the pre-calc update. If this is triggers the action for more than 1 batch processor, this can cause tasks to hang and never complete. In turn this can cause other tasks to also get stuck.

Some of the following issue can occur if multiple Batch Processors have been configured to run on your environment.

Content Libraries Fail to import.
Pre-Calc Update task Hang
Reconcile Failing
WebUI Not updating

If you are unsure if you have multiple Batch processors configured on your environment, the following query will provide you with the results.

Run on FNMS Compliance:
SELECT * FROM BatchProcessor

You will be able to see if there are multiple results in this table. The 'Last Heart Beat' field will inform you if this is causing any issues. If you see a recent Last Heart Beat for more than 1 Batch Processor you will need to reconfigure your environment.


If this is a different Batch Processor, for example UAT the following is the best way to fix the issue.
You will need to re-run the config.ps1 script that is included with the installation files for FNMS. You can then point the Batch Processor at the correct system and database.

If this is an old Batch Processor, ensure that this is uninstalled or the services have been disabled so that the system doesn't automatically start again.

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Last update:
‎Jun 26, 2020 02:59 AM
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