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This article will give user the instruction regarding on how to add or modify a column in Business Adapter Studio objects , if the column is not listed by default template. This instruction is only suitable for customer using FNMP On Premise solution, it doesn't apply on Cloud solution.


This article will give user the instruction regarding on how to add or modify a column in Business Adapter Studio objects , if the column is not listed by default template.
This instruction is only suitable for customer using FNMP On Premise solution, it doesn't apply on Cloud solution.

In OnPremise solution, there is a file called 'FNMPDataModel.ini' located under eg:C:\Program Files\Flexera Software\FNMP Business Adapter Studio\FNMPDataModel.ini
You just need to add the properties in the FNMPDataModel.ini file, and restart the BAS. The added properties should show up for any existing or new adapter definition.


For instance scenario if you want to add Lease columns information for Asset (LeaseStartDate , LeaseEndDate) on business adapter studio, add the following two lines in the corresponding

1. Backup FNMPDataModel.ini when it's on default just in case it require roll back
2. You need add full control access to the folder and files to overwrite this file (by default you may hit access deny issue without full control)
3. Close the Business Adapter Suite UI
4. Open ini file, and go to correponsding DataModel for the corresponding FNMP version you currently using eg: DataModel ProductName="FlexNet Manager Platform" Version="9.2" Language = "EN">
5. Locate Object to <Object Type = "Asset" name= "Asset" supportcustomproperties="true">
6 Add following two lines enclosed in the multiple Property Type statement. The order will be matter depends on the location of the new statement where they are insert before/after the existing Columns.

<Property Type="LeaseStartDate" Name="Lease Start Date" DataType="datetime"></Property>
<Property Type="LeaseEndDate" Name="Lease End Date" DataType="datetime"></Property>

7. Save the change and close. Verify by Open Business Adapter Suite UI again.

Related Documents

See attached PowerPoint for more details information of Business Adapter Suite 2014.

Additional Information

This configuration doesn't apply for Oncloud Solution, because Cloud solution requires both server and client end DDI Xml be consistent.
Only change client end configuration of Business Suite Adapter and doesn't make server end change correspondingly, the result will not work.
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Last update:
‎Jun 02, 2018 01:02 PM
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