In order to successfully connect to an Oracle Database instance to gather inventory, the inventory component (ndtrack) of the FlexNet inventory agent must be able to correctly guess the exact ORACLE_HOME environment variable that the instance is running with. This article describes how this is done on Unix-like operating systems, and what can go wrong with this process.
The inventory component uses the first of the following values that can be determined (and is not empty) to make a best guess at the likely value of the ORACLE_HOME variable for a running Oracle Database instance process:
The inventory gathering process looks for Oracle Database processes with any of the following names to identify potential instances to be inventoried:
A process discovered with one of these names is referred to in this article as an "Oracle" process.
Some examples of scenarios where the path identified by the above logic does not exactly match the ORACLE_HOME environment variable used by the Oracle Database instance are:
The tracker.log file generated by the inventory gathering component includes details like the following related to discovery of Oracle Database instances and their home directories:
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} ===== Discovered Oracle database instances and listeners
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} +-- "/oracle/product/ABC": Discovered by = Process,Oratab,Osdbagrp, Executable ID = 64517:939841567, DBA group = "dba", Home owner = "oracle", Has SQLPlus = true, SQLNet Authentication Services = "", Can Inventory = true, Real Home = ""
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} | +-- Instance "ABC": Discovered by = Process,Oratab, Process ID = 22896, State = running, Process owner = "oracle"
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:07 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} Started tracking Oracle instance "ABC" in "/oracle/product/ABC".
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:21:56 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} Successfully gathered inventory from Oracle instance "ABC" in "/oracle/product/ABC".
The path “/oracle/product/ABC” in the above example is the ORACLE_HOME directory determined as per the steps described above.
If the home identified from the /etc/oratab or “Oracle” process is overridden by the home identified from the ORACLE_HOME environment variable in the profile of the Oracle user, then the “Real Home” value identifies the former path.
To check whether the inventory component is correctly identifying the ORACLE_HOME for a particular database instance:
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:07 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} Started tracking Oracle instance "ABC" in "/oracle/product/ABC".
Oracle Database inventory gathering may fail with logging showing one of the following errors when the agent identifies an ORACLE_HOME value that does not exactly match the value that the instance is running with:
For example:
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} Started tracking Oracle instance "ABC" in "/oracle/product/ABC".
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} | ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} | SP2-0751: Unable to connect to Oracle. Exiting SQL*Plus
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} Failed to inventory Oracle instance "ABC" in "/oracle/product/ABC".
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} Started tracking Oracle instance "ABC" in "/oracle/product/ABC".
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} | ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} | Process ID: 0
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} | Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0
[Wed 15 Dec 2021 11:18:06 AM EST (G, 0)] {19070} Failed to inventory Oracle instance "ABC" in "/oracle/product/ABC".
Note that these errors can potentially have other root causes. For example, similar errors may be caused by a ORACLE_BASE value in the $ORACLE_HOME/install/orabasetab file that does not match the ORACLE_BASE value the instance is actually running with.
Commands like the following can be executed to manually test whether a connection can be made to an Oracle Database instance in a similar fashion to what the FlexNet inventory agent will do.
Replace the “oracle” username, “OracleHomeDirectory” and “OracleSID” values in the first 3 lines with actual values as shown in logging from the inventory component’s tracker.log file.
su - oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=OracleHomeDirectory
export ORACLE_SID=OracleSID
cd "$ORACLE_HOME/bin"
./sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
The above sqlplus command will need to succeed in order for the FlexNet inventory agent to be able to gather Oracle Database inventory.
Tip: If the inventory agent’s OracleInventoryAsSysdba preference has been configured to the non-default value of “False”, use the following sqlplus command to connect instead of the command shown above:
./sqlplus "/"
The following approaches may be considered to get a successful connection to gather Oracle Database inventory if an incorrect ORACLE_HOME is identified by default:
$ cat <<EOF >/tmp/mgsconfig.ini
$ /opt/managesoft/bin/mgsconfig -i /tmp/mgsconfig.ini
The inventory component executes a command like the following to obtain the ORACLE_HOME environment variable value from the default profile of the user running an Oracle Database instance:
$ su - oracle -c 'echo $ORACLE_HOME'
See the following pages for other information related to this topic:
Mar 07, 2022 05:05 AM