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This article covers how FlexNet Manager Suite links guest machines to hosts using the FlexNet Agent and the vCenter discovery and inventory rules created within the FlexNet Manager Suite user interface.
To obtain correct license position, especially with IBM PVU data, the virtual machines within your vCenter estate must be allocated to the correct host. To link a host to a guest machine (virtual machine) while using vCenter, there are two required parts:
When the vCenter rule runs within your estate, it generates VMware NDI files for each vCenter and each ESX server. The VMware NDI file contains data about the host machine under the VMWARE_ESXComputerSystem class for ESX hosts. This class includes a UUID (Universal Unique Identifier).
The VMware NDI file also contains information about each guest. Each guest has a separate VMWARE_VMComputerSystem class with multiple properties. One property, ElementName, is the computer name of the guest and contains a UUID. The UUID value for each guest/virtual machine is normalized and used as a serial number with the prefix 'VMWare- '.
Host machines typically have a separate serial number under the VMWARE_BIOS class.
Once both the VMware NDI file and the guest/virtual machine’s NDI file are imported, they’re entered into the inventory database, where most of the data is stored within the HardwareProperty table. This data is then moved from the inventory database during the reconciliation process. The process is as follows:
Nov 08, 2022 01:56 PM