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1. Stop the Cognos service.

2. Perform the first four steps from IBM’s documentation, Configuring Cognos  analytics components to use another certificate authority:

a. Delete the existing key store

b. Create the certificate signing request (CSR) files

c. Import the certificate authority (CA) certificates

d. Enable the external certificate authority (CA)

3. Start the Cognos service.

4. Import the Cognos certificate into the Reporting server trust store.

In this example, replace {Admin Server FQDN} with the certificate path: \jvm\bin\keytool.exe -keystore ".\jvm\lib\security\cacerts" -storepass "changeit" -import -alias cognos_root -file "\\{Admin Server FQDN}\certs\cognos_root.cer" -trustcacerts -noprompt

5. Run the command FlexNet site make and start the Reporting and Admin services.



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Last update:
‎Aug 03, 2022 10:48 AM
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