This Knowledge article will describe a migration issue on error "Cannot drop index ?PK_ComplianceDomain? because it enforces the full-text key for table or indexed view". It provides with the reason of the cause and the workaround.
A migration script defect has been identified which affected the customer if they have Full-Text Index enabled on the FNMS table. (It happens likely on the old customer in MMC v9.23 or before)
Then the following script will run into drop FK constraint failure and cause the migration broken
The specific error message is: Cannot drop index ?PK_ComplianceDomain? because it enforces the full-text key for table or indexed view.
A current migration script defect may occur when customer used to have old FlexNet Manager Suite with full-text index required in version 9.2.3 or older eg: for contract portal feature in MMC version of product.
The current migration script will run into error on any Full Text Indexed tables which were setup in v9.2
It is a known defect and logged under FNMS-46828
Use below SQL query to find out how many SQL tables are full-text index enabled in the old version of FNMP
SELECT * FROM sys.fulltext_indexesThen Open SQL Server Management studio and right click each of above sql table and Delete the full text index associated with.
By doing that the migration script will run through , the only downside is the Contract portal will take longer time on text search than before. However 2014+ contract portal is a depricated feature.
Therefore you need take your own risk to consider this workaround.