I need to know where I can find the most up to date documentation on how to properly setup vCenter virtual machine inventory. I setup the discovery rule, and included the subnet of the VM's, the IP address of the vCenter server, the DNS name of the vCenter server, and then finally I set it to look on all AD sites, but none of that yielded any inventory records although the job succeeded. Does anyone know where it is documented with the most up to date steps?
Thanks for your help.
‎Oct 05, 2021 02:21 PM
What I miss from your task list is:
Most of this is documented in the "Collection from Virtual Environments" help page in the "Gathering FlexNet Inventory" help file.
In case you still have issues with scanning VMware, it is recommended to check the log files on the Beacon and enable additional logging specifically on the VMware scanning activity if needed.
‎Oct 06, 2021 12:21 AM