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VMware Inventory

I am unable to get data although I have followed the setup instructions. I added the password for Vcenter into the password manager which has read rights. It does connect. Then I created the inventory rule with the correct ports. I chose "Gather hardware and software inventory from all target devices. I also chose "Discover VMware Infrastructure" and also "Gather VMware infrastructure inventory, with advanced recognition of VMware applications. I chose the subnet for targets where my Vcenters reside. I added the information in the registry for DefaultPingSweepOptions and DefaultScanOptions. The rule runs without errors, but no data is returned. Any suggestions on why? 

(2) Replies
By Level 8 Champion
Level 8 Champion
Have you assigned the subnet to the right beacon server?
You can also try adding the vcenter as discovered device manually
Can you connect to the vcenter in a browser running on the beacon server
Have a look in the log for vmware discovery/inventory on the beacon

I am going to try and add the vcenter as a discovered device manually and see if that resolves the issue.