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Purchase type for a product which has got both Subscription & Support

Recently I came across a product in VMWare which is mentioned as follows 

"VMware Tanzu Standard Term Subscription + Production Support for 1 year (per Core). Order Requirement: ELA/SPF and SPP Credit" For any subscriptions - we use Software Subscription and for Support and Maintenance - we use "Software Maintenance". This product has got both "Subscription + Production Support" I'm little bit confused to choose the right Purchase Type. Would appreciate if anyone can guide me. 

(2) Replies

Hi @chakra_flexera , it looks a little more complicated than that, and I think it would be worth confirming with the reseller or even VMWare directly.

You have three licensing "terms" at play: Term, subscription, and production support.  Both term and subscription would give you license entitlement for the 1 year,  and would typically include support/maintenance for that 1 year.  Potentially VMWare are differentiating between production and non-production support, and there may be a different price even - hence it is worth checking with the vendor.

On your Flexera platform, your primary interest is in your license, which i would capture as Software subscription, so that your rights can expire at the end of the allocated period.


Thank you Nico!!