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On which basis are software metering usage data are tracked by default

By Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran
Hi, we would like to know what ´triggers the automatic collection of usage data for some applications and some other need to be created by the manual mapper process in the registry, especially for applications deployed via MSI, even if the use MSI option is enabled for the FlexNet Inventory Usage Agent. Thanks & best regards Oliver
(2) Solutions

If an executable is not installed by an MSI (such as the Office365 scenario that @MurrayPeters has described), you will typically need to configure Manual Mapper registry entries to track its usage.

One other thing to check is that a file evidence rule for the executable you are tracking usage for is linked to appropriate application record(s) in the FlexNet application recognition library. If this an appropriate rule not linked, raw usage data may be gathered but won't be reflected in FlexNet.

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In case it helps anybody reviewing this thread, see the following blog that has just been posted for a more extensive review of usage metering capabilities and configuration: Application usage metering using the FlexNet inventory agent

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(12) Replies

Hi Oliver,

If UseMSI is enabled (it is by default) then the agent will generate a list of executables that have been deployed through windows installer and it will monitor/include any of those in it’s metering.   If you are seeing mixed results with some MSI deployed apps it may be that the executables you need to monitor were not installed directly by an MSI package.  For example, there cases such as Office365 apps which use click-to-run where the original MSI for those apps didn’t install the actual executable (such as visio.exe) so the FNMS agent doesn’t collect usage for those.     

If you want to see which executables are included you could look in the usageagent log for entries such as:

Adding file 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe' to product '7-Zip 19.00 (x64 edition)'

The usage agent too runs as a service so it will only monitor MSI’s and their executables that were installed for all users.  If there are apps installed on a per user basis their exe’s won’t be tracked (unless you set up a process to regularly run “mgsmsilist.exe” in the context of the specific user which will generate a one-off list of exe’s relevant to that user – look in the usage agent log in the user’s context for references to “MSIInstallPaths.xml”).  

Hi Murray,
thanks for this information. In the case of Office365 does this mean we can't report any usage, or would we only have to configure the path to the visio.exe in our FlexNet Inventory Usage Agent?
Kind regards

If an executable is not installed by an MSI (such as the Office365 scenario that @MurrayPeters has described), you will typically need to configure Manual Mapper registry entries to track its usage.

One other thing to check is that a file evidence rule for the executable you are tracking usage for is linked to appropriate application record(s) in the FlexNet application recognition library. If this an appropriate rule not linked, raw usage data may be gathered but won't be reflected in FlexNet.

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we defined a Manual Mapper for an executable (Audacity) and get a result in the Raw Software Usage with our defined name "Audacity-Metering-Test".

The problem is that the evidence (Audacity-Metering-Test) can't be found at "All Evidences" and we can't link it to an appropriate application. We linked already all possible evidences to the application.

What we have to do to get the result from the Manual Mapper (Raw Software Usage) to the application?

@LuckyLu - the evidence you need to link to an application here is actually file evidence, corresponding to the .exe file that will be tracked by the usage. The application name you configure in the manual mapper is not used/relevant for the evidence.

(One other tip: When raising a separate question like you have here, it may help to start a new thread in the forum rather than adding to an existing thread. That will help your question to get more visibility.)

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Hi @oqueck 

I would recommend using the O365 Adapter.  That will provide some usage data here you don't necessarily have the standard installer evidence.


For people who is interested in 'Manual Mapper' method but failed to find any relevant document from the current FNMS online help. You need to follow a KB article which contains the instructions of how to use 'Manual Mapper'




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@Kevin_Houindeed, the document is very helpful 🙂 We created the Manual Mapper as described in the dokument. But still, we get a result in the Raw Software Usage screen, but no result in the all evidences screen. So we can't link the evidence to the application and have therefore no usage data.

Do you have an idea what is going wrong?

Hello @LuckyLu 

Here are some further suggestions to check:

1. Hope you can get DB access if On-Premise,   dbo.ImportedInstalledFileEvidenceUsage_MT Join dbo.ImportedFileEvidence  on (ComplianceConnectionID,ExternalID,ExternalFileID) with a sample machine , the result should at least give you some insights of whether the 'usage' is now imported into FNMS from IM or not 

2. If #1 returns the expected File Evidence for usage tracking via manual mapper, Please double check this file evidence (FileName,FileVersion,Company,Description,size) those five columns are FileEvidence primary key value to see whether they could be 'matched' by a more 'powerful' ARL rule ...and try to make sure that rule is linked to the corresponding application title. For instance (raw usage  winword.exe ;  ARL rule winword.exe ; 12.%)

3. if #1 not return any usage of this FE, then something is wrong on Manual mapper process (double check the usage agent.log )

4. If #2 an ARL rule is identified , but still no usage.... make sure the application's installation (Recognition) is happening first. Recognition is the prerequisite for usage detection on FNMS (UI). Make sure the sample device is expected in the 'application' Device tab list

5. In some corner cases...even we have a ARL rule of FileEvidence cover the usage file evidence, We may have to manually create an identical File Evidence (make sure 5 PK value are the same to your query result at step #1)...then link to the app as ("Not for recognition") as well as make sure #4 is met 

if none of above solve the issue on your thread I think it's time to open a support case for further investigation. (or you are on a cloud solution etc so no DB access to verify whether Usage is imported from IM to FNMS etc).



Best regards


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For reference, here are some other discussion threads on a similar topic to this one:

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Take a look at the following new thread I have just posted which has some new insights and suggestions: Application usage metering with FlexNet agent on Windows for non-MSI applications

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In case it helps anybody reviewing this thread, see the following blog that has just been posted for a more extensive review of usage metering capabilities and configuration: Application usage metering using the FlexNet inventory agent

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