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Obsolete inventory not being cleaned up FNMS 2023 r2

Our inventory count has always been close to our license count, so I haven't had to dig too deep into it before, however we seem to have had a huge increase in client count. FNMS is configured to remove obsolete inventory after 180 days.


In digging into the "All Inventory" more, I see at least 100 clients (computers and VMs, even a few tablets) that are no longer in use. A lot of these have a "Last Inventory" date of 2023 some time (or are at least 6+ months old). None of the ones I have checked are online or even defined in our network (there's no DNS entry for them). Point being I'm certain they are gone.

Why are they not being removed from our inventory (and thus reclaiming that license)? The ones I checked seem to be coming from our SCCM adapter, but if they are no longer in use how can I best get rid of them to get that license back?

(1) Solution
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

The obsolete inventory cleanup functionality removes inventory that has been gathered by the FlexNet inventory agent. See the following page for some information about this: System Settings: Inventory Tab.

Cleaning up obsolete inventory in other systems (such as SCCM) is a function that needs to be performed in that system. In situations where inventory cannot be deleted from a source system for some reason, you can set the status on unwanted inventory device records to "Ignored" once they have been imported into FNMS/Flexera One ITAM.

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(3) Replies

We have a similar issue.  Devices coming across the SCCM feed that are months sometimes years old.  we have requirements to remove after 60 days and have the SCCM feed ignoring inventory over 14 days old.  Still keep showing up.  I think it may have something to do with how SCCM sends it over,  where it shows as recent inventory even though it's not.  Only thing we can think of is having our SCCM admins remove it from there DB.

By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

The obsolete inventory cleanup functionality removes inventory that has been gathered by the FlexNet inventory agent. See the following page for some information about this: System Settings: Inventory Tab.

Cleaning up obsolete inventory in other systems (such as SCCM) is a function that needs to be performed in that system. In situations where inventory cannot be deleted from a source system for some reason, you can set the status on unwanted inventory device records to "Ignored" once they have been imported into FNMS/Flexera One ITAM.

(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)

Thanks for that! I think the cleanup functionality is one of those things I knew but forgot about. Just spot checking some of the old records, I'm seeing we have a lot of computers still sitting in our Active Directory (which is where SCCM is pulling them from) that are long gone, so there is definitely some cleanup work to be done.