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Issues caused by ndtrack


Over the past month or so we’ve been having issues on with some of our our linux server where scrip installs have been hanging in yum. We finally traced this back to the /opt/managesoft/libexec/ndtrack (Flexera) process, it was running an rpm query for over an hour. Killing the process freed up the rpm query process and allowed the scrip packages to install.

Can this Flexera process be scheduled off hours / tweaked to run faster?

(1) Solution
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

If you are using a FlexNet inventory agent version 18.5 (2022 R1.5) or earlier, you may be getting impacted by the following issue:

Known Issue: ndtrack may consume high CPU usage for an extended period processing RPM package information after logging line "Started package database update for package types '...' into '/var/opt/managesoft/cache/packagedb.cdb'" (IOK-608835)

Using a newer agent version would help to avoid this issue.

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(3) Replies


Scheduling of the inventory agent is documented in Inventory Agent Schedule so yes it can be scheduled for off-office hours.

If you need assistance troubleshooting its execution on a given device I would recommend that you contact Flexera Support 


By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

If you are using a FlexNet inventory agent version 18.5 (2022 R1.5) or earlier, you may be getting impacted by the following issue:

Known Issue: ndtrack may consume high CPU usage for an extended period processing RPM package information after logging line "Started package database update for package types '...' into '/var/opt/managesoft/cache/packagedb.cdb'" (IOK-608835)

Using a newer agent version would help to avoid this issue.

(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)

Looks like it worked. Thank you for the assistance!