Steps Taken
I am a Flexera rookie. I don't believe this is an issue with traffic being blocked; after validating that I could manually do a web request against the full download URL. However, the installation / policy logs state otherwise. Any Ideas are appreciated. Thank you!
‎Feb 09, 2023 01:56 PM
@ellisbw Thanks for providing a thorough background on the steps you've taken. This error typically means the traffic from your endpoints to the certificate revocation server that handles the CRL is being blocked. You need to look into the properties of the certificate securing your beacon traffic and find the url of the revocation server. Then you need to work with your network team to allow traffic from your endpoints to that server. Alternatively you can take the less secure approach and disable certificate revocation checks on the agents and beacons.
Here is an article discussing the error you're seeing.
‎Feb 09, 2023 02:24 PM
@ellisbw Thanks for providing a thorough background on the steps you've taken. This error typically means the traffic from your endpoints to the certificate revocation server that handles the CRL is being blocked. You need to look into the properties of the certificate securing your beacon traffic and find the url of the revocation server. Then you need to work with your network team to allow traffic from your endpoints to that server. Alternatively you can take the less secure approach and disable certificate revocation checks on the agents and beacons.
Here is an article discussing the error you're seeing.
‎Feb 09, 2023 02:24 PM