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Business Adapter Regular expression


Im trying to setup a business adapter to manager operators in our OnPrem installation of FlexNet Manager. 

After retrieving the data from AD group i need to add the Domain in front of the UserName. 

I tried  using the data transformation to add domain in front of the username but i cannot make it work... has anyone tested such a solution?

(3) Replies

If you have a file that you're importing from, you could do a Select 'Domain\' + [UserName]

I was hoping to use the Directory service and avoid any intermediate files, if that is needed then it is easy - i would create and xml file (to avoid using unsupported version of Access drivers when using CSV) and simply import it from there. 

I was hoping to avoid the intermediate preprocessing step 🙂 and do it all in one shot. 

By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm not sure what you're aiming to do with the combined Domain + UserName value, but if your objective here is to store this value in a [custom?] property on the user record then an option to consider is to use a SQL expression for the property value:


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