We have built 3 new servers and installed the beacons, status of those in the UI is showing as up to date and the beacon UI test connection shows FNMS connection succeeded. However, the installation log is showing the status as program exited with code 1 (download failed was interrupted while retrieving file).
Also, when I try to manually run the policy we are getting Error 0xE0500194 Not found. this is the same issue in all the three new build beacons.
‎Dec 24, 2020 01:15 AM
You could check the Beacon (Engine) logs. I have seen this behaviour with a 2020 R2 beacon. After migration, it was pointing to thw wrong folder. Having the Beacon reconfigure your IIS *might* fix it. I haven't tested the fix yet.
Best regards,
‎Dec 24, 2020 08:47 AM
I followed the below steps to sort the issue
we had 2 issues in 3 servers
The server was not integrated with AD and did not have the latest policy
I forcefully changed the etc connection to communicate with our AD server did a force GP update and rebooted the server
Once after that, our service account which was used for installation is not added to the admin group so manually added the account. I navigated to server manager > tools > local security policy > Local Policy > user rights assignment >
selected Log on as a batch job and Log on as a service and added our service account, re-installed the beacon with our service account
On the other 2 servers by default, the AD was synced and our service account was added in a group but the same was missing in Lusrmgr.msc so added them by navigating to run>Lusrmgr.msc>groups > Log on as a batch job and Log on as a service and added our AD group integrated with the service account
restarted the Flexnet beacon engine, made test connection
opened task scheduler and manually exected upload flexnet beacon status.
Raghuvaran R
‎Dec 31, 2020 02:35 AM