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Data Platform Forum

Forum Posts

Solved Vulnerabilities - Description and Solution Fields

hi all, I'm wanting to create a report with the vulnerabilities "Description" and "Solution" fields listed but I can't seem to find these as available fields.  Both fields are viewable via the OTB Vulnerability Dashboard (see attached screen shots) b...

Solved Google Guava Lifecycle Management (EOL Date)

Back in May 2021 the Technopedia API started providing End of Life and Obsolete dates for Google Guava.I am looking if anyone has any information on where/how this information is being derived ? Any logic that can be provided or explained would be gr...

Solved Error while running the Normalize process

The Normalize process on our Data Platform server is failing with the following error:PUBLISH_DISC_TABLES: insert DISC_LOGICAL_DISKS ERROR Line 1 Error converting data type nvarchar to float. Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other...

Solved Idera Obsolete Dates

Flexera Team:BigFix shows:* A DISCOVERED_NAME of 'IDEREA SQL admin toolset'* DISCOVERED_VERSION of ''* DISC_SW_PROD_ID = 2374346Flexera's technopedia maps this to* CAT_PRODUCT_NAME = 'SQL Admin Toolset'* CAT_VERSION = 1.9* OBSOLETE = '11/1/2...

Solved Find a scheduled report in our reports

Hi everbody,I'm looking for the folder who's called "UserReports". In this folder we can have all scheduled reports for example. If someone know where I can find it in my computer folders it could help me so much !Thank you !Best,

Solved Question about data ingestion into ServiceNow

Real beginner question here but what is the next step after connecting the SQL database for BDNA_PUBLISH? We are trying to pull out DEV and QA servers into our instance but I am not finding the next step in the process. I could pull the data out of t...

Analyzer report date Format

Hi does anyone know if I can change the formating for the date attributes in the analyzer reports?  For example, the end of life dates are reported in the US format of mm/dd/yyyy format and as our user base for Data platform is all over the world, it...

Solved Lifecycle data for cloud services?

Can anyone tell me whether Data Platform captures Lifecycle data for cloud services, in particular AWS? We recently received a notification for AWS Lambda end of support for Node.js 10* via an email from AWS. My question is whether Flexera would be a...

Ignore Unmatched items

We've found a couple of items in the unmatched file that we neither want to add to the Private Catalog nor track.  I thought there was a way to set an unmatched item to be "ignored" .Is that correct? If so how do we do that?Any advice would be greatl...

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