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The Normalize process on our Data Platform server is failing with the following error:
PUBLISH_DISC_TABLES: insert DISC_LOGICAL_DISKS ERROR Line 1 Error converting data type nvarchar to float. Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
I checked the PUBLISH_DISC_TABLES stored procedure, and it converts the values from the [Size 0] column of the [<name prefix>_LD] table of the BDNA database to float before inserting it into the [CAPACITY] column of the [DISC_LOGICAL_DISKS] table of the BDNA_PUBLISH database. However the source column contains text values like '146 GB * 2' and others, which cannot be converted to float.
Can someone guide me on how to resolve this error?
‎Jul 26, 2021 05:53 AM
This sounds like something that may need to be addressed in the data extraction process that is sending the non-numeric data to Data Platform. What data source is the data you're working with here coming from?
‎Jul 26, 2021 05:58 AM
This sounds like something that may need to be addressed in the data extraction process that is sending the non-numeric data to Data Platform. What data source is the data you're working with here coming from?
‎Jul 26, 2021 05:58 AM
We are using a MS SQL database belonging to our (SharePoint based) enterprise architecture portal as the input to Normalize. But I was under the impression that the BDNA.<version prefix>_LD table holds the data of the Technopedia catalog and not the normalized data. Am I mistaken?
‎Jul 26, 2021 06:11 AM
Hi. The tables you refer to are internal staging tables used by Data Platform throughout the process. Your original error is because Data Platform is not anticipating character data in a numeric field. If you've defined a GS_LOGICAL_DISK section in your extractor configuration file, verify that the numeric participants (e.g. freespace/size) do not contain any string values in the source data.
‎Jul 27, 2021 12:25 AM