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This article should help you understand how the Licenses are accounted for in App Portal. It should also help you troubleshoot any out of Compliance alerts messages in your App Portal environment.


This article provides information about how User/Device based licenses are accounted for in App Portal.


In App Portal, there are two types of Licenses which are present:

  1. User Type
  2. Device Type

This information can be found from the License Entity field in the General settings under Site Management. For detailed understanding, please refer to the link below. type

For User Based Licenses:

  • By default, App Portal counts the number of users recently updated in the WD_User table within the App portal database using the following query:
  • SELECT Count(UniqueName) from WD_User where lastupdate > DATEADD(day, -7, GETDATE()) and UniqueName is not null
  • The WD_User table is populated during the nightly data sync with SCCM, and by default will include all users in the SCCM view v_r_user
  • App Portal admins have full control over the license count, by specifying a "Custom User Sync SQL Query" (under settings->deployment->common).
  • As an added benefit to user based licensing, a given user account should be able to have any number of device associations such that App Portal ends up using fewer licenses.
  • The device where the user is accessing App Portal from, would not have to be a recognized by SCCM (mobile devices most commonly fall into this category).
  • Switching to user based licensing is as simple as loading a new license file.
  • For this License type, App Portal does not block a user from accessing the site, if the users are not recognized (not in vUser). The unrecognized user can access the site with the user name of "not defined".
For Device Based Licenses:
  • By default, App Portal will use the following query (run against the SCCM DB) to determine the license count:
  • SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT Name)) FROM v_FullCollectionMembership Where ResourceType = 5 AND IsActive = 1. 
  • If you wish to filter the above list, to reduce the number of licensed devices then you could use the settings that are found under admin->settings->web site.
  • The licensed collection and License view setting allows you to select an SCCM collection or App Portal database View to base your device count on.
  • For the Licensed Collection option, if you select "include" collection", then only those devices that are in the specified collection will be included in the count.
  • If you select "exclude collection", then the count will be based on the above query, less the devices that are in the exclude collection ..



Additional Information

For User Based Licenses, to decrease the licenses used count, you would need to limit the number of users being imported from SCCM. This can be done by modifying the Custom User Sync Settings under settings-> deployment-> common. The Custom User Sync SQL Query can be modified to add a where clause or do a join with an existing user based collection.

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Last update:
‎Jun 27, 2023 11:39 AM
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