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Steps to ensure software come up for target and destination computer when App Portal integrates with FNMS for Clone/Migrate feature.


What steps do we need to ensure such that software come up in App Portal's Clone/Migrate feature when integrated with FlexNet Manager Suite?


The following steps need to be ensured such that App Portal integrated with FNMS is able to pull up the software:-

1. You will need to ensure that the setting "Show for Migration / App Detection?" has been checked under Request Options in the General Settings of the Catalog Item's Properties.

2. You will need to ensure that the catalog item has been installed on the Source machine. You can confirm that the software is installed on the device by navigating to the API GetInstalledSoftwareByDevice. You can search for the ARL of the Catalog Item and confirm if it is being returned by App Portal code as "Installed" on the device through the API. You will need to enter the machine name of the Source machine and the Domain name to which the Source machine belongs and then click on the Invoke button. You can access the API from the following link:<http://<InsertAppPortalServerName>/esd/ws/bltest/fnmp.asmx>.

FNMP.asmx page

3. You need to ensure that an ARL is assigned to the Catalog item. It can be checked from the Catalog Item Properties> FlexNet Manager Suite Settings> Mapping Tab. It should show up as follows:-
FNMS settings should have an ARL

In case an ARL is not attached to the catalog item then you should be search for an ARL through the Product Name, Version, Edition and Publisher then after searching for the ARL click Save. This ensures that an ARL gets attached to the catalog item.

After ensuring, the above three steps. You should navigate to the Support Tools tab>Clone/Migrate options. Under Select source computer, enter the source computer (which meets the step 1, 2 and 3) and the similarly enter the destination computer which you want to migrate to and click on Compare Computers. The software should show up.

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Last update:
‎Oct 18, 2018 06:20 PM
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