If the approval process is consistently being routed to the wrong approver, then it is likely that the expected approver has the "Out of office" checkbox selected under the Profile tab in App Broker. The following screen capture shows this setting:
The most expedient solution may be to contact the expected approver to have them verify the state of this setting. If this is not possible, then you should be able to tell by looking at the GetApprovers.log file. Assuming that verbose logging is enabled, you will see the following entries logged when an alternate approver is set.
Checking for alternate approvers
Found an alternate approver with GUID 6b9dcb0dff9de14a9590e8ab09a1d0f3 for the actual approver 0fe90680ec93bc4a9c0d0aa852108c86 because he/she is OOO
The GUIDs specified in the log file are the AD GUIDs for the actual and alternate approvers. If you want to verify the unique user names for these GUIDs, then you can typically do so by querying the App Broker DB. The following query will provide the unique user name for a given GUID:
select UniqueUserName from WD_Profile where ADGUID = '<GUID from log file>'
For example, given the above log entry, the following query will give you the unique user name of the alternate approver:
select UniqueUserName from WD_Profile where ADGUID = '6b9dcb0dff9de14a9590e8ab09a1d0f3'
To unset the Out of Office checkbox, you can run the following query using the expected (actual) approvers GUID:
Update WD_ApproverStatus set OOO = 0 where Approver = '0fe90680ec93bc4a9c0d0aa852108c86'
Once this query has been run, new approval requests should be routed to the expected approver.
Dec 30, 2022 12:03 PM