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License Curruption on Hyper-V sessions.

With everyone working remote these days, my team is remoting into Hyper-V sessions to package.  We installed AdminStudio 2019 R2 onto our sessions.  We activate the software and work normally. 

The issue come into play when we shut the Hyper-V session down and later power them back on.  We all get errors with the license being corrupt.

This does not occur with our laptops using the same install.

Any Ideas ?


Windows 10 - Microsoft Hyper-V sessions 

(4) Replies


Could you please help me some more details:

Some what I read, I understand, each of your team member has installed AdminStudio on a VM hosted on Hyper-V and they are connecting to these AdminStudio installed VMs through RDP. Is this correct?

Was the checkpoint (snapshot) taken before installing  and activating or after installing and activating AdminStudio?

I hope the VMs are not reverted to a checkpoint (snapshot).


Sorry for the Delay,

Here are the answers to your questions.

We are connected to the Hyper-V sessions via RDP.

We take a checkpoint after first, installing and Activating  AdminStudio, Reboot  then shutdown.  At this point a checkpoint is taken.

The issue exists if  we have a need to revert to the checkpoint we created after activating the product(described Above).  We can run and even reboot without error but if we shutdown, the next time we launch Admin Studio or Install Shield it requests activation (Install shield states the license is corrupt and needs to be repaired).

This issue exists with both 2018 and 2019 versions



The license breaks when you revert to a checkpoint. However, if you just restart (or reboot) the virtual machine while being on the same checkpoint without reverting, the license will be intact. Could you please run the below command on your virtual machine where you see the issue and let me know if you see **BROKEN** on the top of the dialog box that would pop-up after running this command. 

Run this command in the command prompt: tpsconfig.exe /info

Here is an example of how it might look:



I would recommend, you install AdminStudio, reboot the machine, take a checkpoint and then activate AdminStudio OR in case you activate and then take a checkpoint, then you will have to avoid reverting to this checkpoint.


Just to add onto @kmantagi 's response:

The workstation (physical or virtual) with the full AdminStudio workstation installations should be on a machine that stays relatively stable and would not need to be reverted back on a regular basis.

If you reverting virtual machines because you are using the Repackager tool to do repackaging on a machine with the full AdminStudio installation, this is not the recommended configuration. For any capturing of software vendor packages using Repackager, this tool should be run on another machine separate from the full AdminStudio installation.  There are a couple of methods to configure Repackager in this way, more information in the product help here:

(this link is current at the time of this post, please visit the Flexera Product Documentation site for help for the current version of AdminStudio)

Note: This second capture machines itself does not require additional licensing and is covered under your current AdminStudio license. However each users of the Repackager should have a license of AdminStudio associated with them to use this capture machine.

Expert Flexeran on AdminStudio, Workflow Manager, and Software Vulnerability Manager / Research
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