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Installshield Error 7354 When Building MSI with MoveFile Table Entry

Installshield Error 7354 When Building MSI with MoveFile Table Entry


Error 7354 occurs when building MSI project with entries in the MoveFile table.


Error 7354 occurs when building MSI project with entries in the MoveFile table using Installshield.

ISDEV : error -7354: The English (United States) value for string 'ID_STRING2' does not contain a legitimate value for table MoveFile column SourceName


The SourceName column in the MoveFile table should be a Text data type and should not be validated.
There is a bug in IS2016 that is trying to validate the value.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create BMSI
  2. Add a sample file in Files and Folder view
  3. Navigate to MoveFile table
  4. Add "SampleKey" for FileKey file
  5. Add "AllOtherFiles" for Component_
  6. Add "SourceFile.exe" for SourceName column
  7. Add "SOURCE~1|SourceFile.exe" for DestName column
  8. Add "INSTALLDIR" for SourceFolder column
  9. Add "INSTALLDIR2" for DestFolder column
  10. Add "1" for Options column
  11. Build project


  1. Backup the ISWIBuild.dll file at C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2016\System\
  2. Extract the attached file to that location
  3. Restart InstallShield and try building again

Additional Information

The issue is tracked internally under the Work-Order# IOJ-1774403 and the hotfix issued will be included in the future releases of InstallShield. The download of InstallShield 2016 was updated on 9/8/2016 to include this hotfix, the updated version number for ISWIBuild.dll is
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Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 15, 2018 05:00 PM
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