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Level 3

TLS 1.2 support in IS 2018 ?


Does Installshield 2018 support TLS 1.2 environment where i can execute sql scripts using "SQL scripts" feature of InstallShield ?
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(4) Replies
Level 3

Larry578 wrote:
we are in same boat. please help me, if you find any thing related to this query. and I also not able to update TLS 1.1 to TLS 1.2. Suggest me how can I do this?

Hi Larry,

If you are using setup.exe, you can add a new pre-requisite for installing Microsoft latest MSOLEDBSQL driver and update the AdoDriverName coumn to 'msoledbsql' in ISSQLDBMetadata table.This should fix issue for TLS 1.2 and later environments.

Let me know if you find any other alternatives..
0 Kudos

Hi Vivek,

I tried what you suggested but it didn't work. I am using Install shield 2020 R3 and MSSQL server to connect. Do you have any alternate solution which may work

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Level 2

vivekjazzwal wrote:
Hi Larry,

If you are using setup.exe, you can add a new pre-requisite for installing Microsoft latest MSOLEDBSQL driver and update the AdoDriverName coumn to 'msoledbsql' in ISSQLDBMetadata table.This should fix issue for TLS 1.2 and later environments.

Let me know if you find any other alternatives..

The solution we used (in IS2015) was to direct edit the SQLServer ISSQLDBMetaData from the oledb driver to the newer driver "sqlncli11". The line should look like:
MSSQLServerMicrosoft SQL Serversqlncli11 ....
We had to manually insure the right version of the native driver because the IS pre-req version wasn't adequate..
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