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Level 5

Silent install installing more features than in the response file

I have an Installscript MSI Project that has 9 features and several sub-features. When recording a response file, the appropriate feature selections are listed in the setup.iss. But when running the silent installation (setup.exe -s), there are several additional features installed, even though they are not in the response file.

Has anyone seen this before? I verified the install levels are different for each feature and there are no components that are in common with each feature, nor are there any associated features in common.

Thanks in advance for your help.
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(2) Replies
Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

This has been a long standing issue with InstallScript MSI projects that was originally submitted under work order 1-BCTRA. This work order has been resolved with InstallShield 2009.

The issue is caused by the added complexity incurred in InstallScript MSI projects of maintaining feature states for both the InstallScript engine and MSI engine and ensuring those selections are valid. In a silent install case, this is being handled incorrectly and the response file information is effectively ignored.

One possible work around for this issue is to read the feature selections from the .iss file when running silently and use the FeatureSelectItem function to select/deselect features as needed. This could be done in the OnFirstUIBefore event before the status dialog is enabled.
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Level 5

Thank you much! The problem has indeed been fixed in 2009 🙂

And thank you for the mention of using "FeatureSelectItem", that fixed the problem of sub-features being selected in the sdFeatureTree dialog box.
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