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Level 4

Apparent bug in suite installer

I have created a suite installer for one of my products and it is working reasonably well. Yesterday I tried creating a web release of the same suite and have run into something I believe is a bug. The suite contains several third-party dependencies and several of my own msi packages. Each of my msi packages is a multi-language release, so each one contains an .msi file, a .cab file, and one .mst file per language. Everything works as it should when each package's location is set to Copy From Source Media.

To create a web installer, I set the location of some of the dependencies to Download From The Web, and the rest of the packages to Extract From Setup.exe. When running the web installer, I receive the following error:

MD5 check failed for the current file to be staged. The file may be corrupted.

File: C:\Users\Roger\AppData\Local\Downloaded Installations\{8947604C-6C77-43C9-BA6A-B026A9A6D330}\1031.mst

I looked at this folder and the 1031.mst file is not the correct one for the package. The file is actually the 1031.mst file from one of the other packages in the suite. So it looks like the suite installer engine doesn't work correctly if multiple packages embedded in Setup.exe have identical filenames. At least that's my hypothesis.

Can anyone from IS verify this?
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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Can you try with the hotfix describe here? This sounds a lot like the issue Josh was describing. (post, thread)
0 Kudos
Level 4

Yes, that did the trick. Thank you.
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