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Discovery: How Red Hat OpenShift are being deployed/used in your organization?

Hi Flexera community,

we are working on Red Hat OpenShift subscription support, to identify what level of OpenShift subscription is enabled in OpenShift clusters and which components are installed. would you please help us understand how Red Hat subscriptions are being enabled and deployed? so that we build a solution that is going to server all our valued customers and partners.

  1. Is your organization using OpenShift subscriptions?
  2. Do you use the Red-Hat subscription-manager to register a subscription on a machine/container (or while building a compute node) to be able to install any components that the subscription provides?
  3. If you do not use the subscription manager directly, do you use the images for download that the subscription provides to access different components from the subscription?
  4. What components that a OpenShift container platform subscription provides are you using?
  5. If we want to collect node hardware and software inventory – would you allow the zero-footprint agent to run on a node to report this? (if you are using the Flexera lwk agent - running an agent on the node host would be required to get the actual OS and installed packages of the host itself)
  6. Would it be acceptable for the Flexera krm agent (daemon set) to mount the /etc/os-release file from the host (actual worker node) with read-only access as well as the /var/lib directory with read-only access to report on the installed operating system and package from the /var/lib/rpm directory?

In case you like to have interactive call and discussion please do let me know we can have live session.


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