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Icon for Shortcut

I'm having an issue creating a shortcut that has as it's "Icon File" the path to an actual .ico file. The shortcut doesn't display the icon i've specified in the "Icon File" when my product is installed. The actual shortcut points to a .bat file. How can I fix this?
(3) Replies
For one approach, please see Macrovision KB article Q106029, "Shortcut Linked to Batch File Does Not Have Proper Icon", at
Thanks Robert! That worked well. I'm having another issue I'm sure you'll be able to assist me with...

I'm attempting to remove a registry key that is created by the ODBC Resources (in my .ism project file - InstallShield 10.5 AdminStudio Edition) but is NOT removed by uninstalling the product. I've added the following to the RemoveRegistry table (yet it doesn't work, doesn't remove the "Oracle in OraHome2" parent key):

RemoveRegistry: RemoveODBC

Root: 2


Name: -

Component_: ODBCDriver_sqora32.dll

What am I missing?
The RemoveRegistry table is counterintuitive in that it deletes a registry entry during installation, and not uninstallation. (Unlike, say, the RemoveFile table.)

If you want to delete the branch during uninstallation, you can use the "uninstall entire key" flag in one of the InstallShield registry views; this amounts to installing a key with magic value "-", which causes the key to be wiped out during uninstallation...