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HELP Printer not installing-UPDATED

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I've made some progress. I have it to where the installer works fine and the printer will show up, but only after a reboot. The original .exe installer does not require a reboot on my 2000/XP systems. Is there a way I can modify the msi file so that it will register all the components without a reboot?


(4) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Maybe if you restart the Printer Spooler-service? At least it helped me so far...
Make an entry into the ServiceControl table, pay attention to the name (on my system it was Spooler; you can see the name when opening the properties of the service)... You have also to specify, if it has to be done only on installing or also in the uninstall process...
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
That did the trick! Thanks for taking the time to reply. Now if I can only get it to run silently... It works with the /q command line switch, but I want to deploy it with group policy, so I want it to always be silent. I am doing some research, but if you have any ideas on that, I would appreciate it.

Thanks again.
It will be intalled silenty if you use policies. When user reboots their computer the policy will load the app. All they will see is a window saying someting like "Applying software policy" or something like that. When that is done they will be present with the Logon screen.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thanks for the help guys. I must say that I like the Installshield repackager much better than the Wise version that I downloaded.
Much easier to use and better support.

Thanks again!