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Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.1

After creating the .inc file for this install and converting this to an .ism file I am receiving the following error during the conversion

Mapping file extensions and MIME types from registry information to the Extension and MIME tables

1) Warning: Undefined file extension '.dgg': the ProgID 'InterTrustDigiFile' is undefined. This may result in ICE33 warnings

2) Warning: Undefined file extension '.spop': the ProgID 'InterTrustSPOP' is undefined. This may result in ICE33 warnings

Mapping Shell extension verbs ffrom the registry informaiton to the verb table

1) Warning: Undefined shell verb 'open' (for ProjgID 'InterTrustSPOP') no defined file extension could be found. This may reslut in ICE33 warnings

Writing to the ProgId table

1) Warning: Undefined default icon for ProjId 'AcroExch.plugin': at least one shell extension verb for the ProgId is required. This may result in ICE33 warnings

All of these are related to the opening of pdf files within Internet Explorer. Any help please I have spent 3 days and about as much time slicking machines and re-installing Adobe and still I am no closer. Thanks guys
(7) Replies
The warnings are harmless, unless you can't open the .pdf files in browser. The warnings only informs that the legacy app setups did'nt had complete information to populate the required MSI Extension/Verb table. So those entries end up in the MSI Registry table. Those file extensions and MIME types will still get installed. Personally, I have'nt had any difficulty in opening .pdf files within a browser.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have noticed that when making MSIs for acrobat reader it never installs cleanly. My latest one installs the acrobat reader msi the first time it opens the explorer in any way.

Odd behaviour I think but don't seem to be able to get rid of it.

If it would help i can send a copy of my msi and files etc

Originally posted by cflint
I have noticed that when making MSIs for acrobat reader it never installs cleanly. My latest one installs the acrobat reader msi the first time it opens the explorer in any way.

Odd behaviour I think but don't seem to be able to get rid of it.

If it would help i can send a copy of my msi and files etc


I had this issue at first. This was because of the merge module for C++ and the key setting of a msvcrt.dll or msvcrt32.dll file in the c:\winnt\system32 folder. Once you remove the key it will stop this.
Originally posted by praveenl
The warnings are harmless, unless you can't open the .pdf files in browser. The warnings only informs that the legacy app setups did'nt had complete information to populate the required MSI Extension/Verb table. So those entries end up in the MSI Registry table. Those file extensions and MIME types will still get installed. Personally, I have'nt had any difficulty in opening .pdf files within a browser.

This is related to the opening of pdf files within IE. I can install the product from the finished capture and it does launch the applicaiton and is associated with pdf files but will not open in IE.
Yes, go ahead and send me the files at
Originally posted by praveenl
Yes, go ahead and send me the files at

I am not quite sure what files to send to you. However, I am attempting to do another capture and check the settings on our exclusions. I was told that due to our internal configurations we have a large amout of exclusions and it is possible that one of these is causing the issue. I will let you know if this works. 😄
Happy Days - The only problem is that even with removing all exclusions I would still get the same error when converting the inc file to a ism file. I had to fall back and punt and use
Wise for Install version 8.0 this picked up the association of launching adobe within IE. However, I do not have a solution for InstallShield but am working with a Tech. in order to find out why and how to fix this isssue for the future. /sal