================= Logging started at 5/13/2020 07:57:15 AM ================== Created release folders Performing Upgrading and Patching Validation Val0003: This setup will perform a MINOR upgrade of the referenced previous setup d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_273F980AA2889DDF28BA54484E52BD4B' identified by ComponentID '{273F980A-AA28-89DD-F28B-A54484E52BD4}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_1E163DBD4BC369B938581502D0BF5FCC' identified by ComponentID '{1E163DBD-D4BC-369B-9385-81502D0BF5FC}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_B5CBB3404E37DBC065358CCC268F1FE0' identified by ComponentID '{B5CBB340-04E3-7DBC-0653-58CCC268F1FE}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_911D0B96086F9C912CBDCAA76E7B221F' identified by ComponentID '{911D0B96-6086-F9C9-12CB-DCAA76E7B221}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_468E9A9FE1154BA457C5FA5DD97C7D3F' identified by ComponentID '{468E9A9F-FE11-54BA-457C-5FA5DD97C7D3}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_701EA3C00D142B6C494802D6DA925516' identified by ComponentID '{701EA3C0-00D1-42B6-C494-802D6DA92551}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_FD56B1033A172633D46007C27E3D21A1' identified by ComponentID '{FD56B103-33A1-7263-3D46-007C27E3D21A}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_EC3246ABC7D42A885125EA3DC823A8B0' identified by ComponentID '{EC3246AB-BC7D-42A8-8512-5EA3DC823A8B}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_7A658317049919FE17532FDF32260035' identified by ComponentID '{7A658317-7049-919F-E175-32FDF3226003}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_6A50EED2C999D431D4011FDAB5319BF8' identified by ComponentID '{6A50EED2-2C99-9D43-1D40-11FDAB5319BF}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_60AEEE6E38E27287D694DCCA67F07F57' identified by ComponentID '{60AEEE6E-E38E-2728-7D69-4DCCA67F07F5}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_EDB45A62BED8E80C52A446EBE616FE0B' identified by ComponentID '{EDB45A62-2BED-8E80-C52A-446EBE616FE0}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'Global_System_OLEPRO32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24' identified by ComponentID '{10048713-2C96-11D2-9A97-006097C4E452}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24' identified by ComponentID '{474F61F1-7342-11D2-A199-00A0C90AB50F}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24' identified by ComponentID '{997FA962-E067-11D1-9396-00A0C90F27F9}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_9916D07059DC76C9CC5960298AE8F006' identified by ComponentID '{9916D070-059D-C76C-9CC5-960298AE8F00}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_4701BDEFA1BE85B4208C74046D8E9398' identified by ComponentID '{4701BDEF-FA1B-E85B-4208-C74046D8E939}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_A9D3223060EA8385A29E4DAEBB84B225' identified by ComponentID '{A9D32230-060E-A838-5A29-E4DAEBB84B22}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_AFE33D3A9FC32BE54215786526F1BBC0' identified by ComponentID '{AFE33D3A-A9FC-32BE-5421-5786526F1BBC}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_A7F03099EF4BEF1DBD96F563C000D6AC' identified by ComponentID '{A7F03099-9EF4-BEF1-DBD9-6F563C000D6A}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_5ED5CABAE309054B857C8E06CF970AA8' identified by ComponentID '{5ED5CABA-AE30-9054-B857-C8E06CF970AA}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_DE6CE2DDA470FB4DD9F59EF11745A80F' identified by ComponentID '{DE6CE2DD-DA47-0FB4-DD9F-59EF11745A80}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_12B70C4B11337063A33E9DE279E8BC63' identified by ComponentID '{12B70C4B-B113-3706-3A33-E9DE279E8BC6}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_1A772A323CA957BFC1A94BFC044ECD0F' identified by ComponentID '{1A772A32-23CA-957B-FC1A-94BFC044ECD0}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_CB30349ACC89220B3D164A7FF1E054B9' identified by ComponentID '{CB30349A-ACC8-9220-B3D1-64A7FF1E054B}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_99147A104071EAB8D0743FF363CEEC33' identified by ComponentID '{99147A10-0407-1EAB-8D07-43FF363CEEC3}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_5015E966E2F0971144BCD81A9E5028BC' identified by ComponentID '{5015E966-6E2F-0971-144B-CD81A9E5028B}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_C07E8EF5844783C379B36ADE3DA170EE' identified by ComponentID '{C07E8EF5-5844-783C-379B-36ADE3DA170E}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_3D465DC69B48D1F4674CC4B39649A693' identified by ComponentID '{3D465DC6-69B4-8D1F-4674-CC4B39649A69}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_E333DE7AADE379C0F2222C05E8D31BDE' identified by ComponentID '{E333DE7A-AADE-379C-0F22-22C05E8D31BD}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_F4896E4ED68D405D2AEA2D783DF71BF7' identified by ComponentID '{F4896E4E-ED68-D405-D2AE-A2D783DF71BF}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_74313028EFA4ABF024BF1B62AF54A90D' identified by ComponentID '{74313028-8EFA-4ABF-024B-F1B62AF54A90}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_CE65E5A941D8F557A54720439D673AF3' identified by ComponentID '{CE65E5A9-941D-8F55-7A54-720439D673AF}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_11C47EC639D78FB231FED4B98036B538' identified by ComponentID '{11C47EC6-639D-78FB-231F-ED4B98036B53}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_640495421BDA94D96CB41DEF92EC170C' identified by ComponentID '{64049542-21BD-A94D-96CB-41DEF92EC170}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_EC01936A65D7AAD91527E1AC3C1291B4' identified by ComponentID '{EC01936A-A65D-7AAD-9152-7E1AC3C1291B}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_09FBC228518D3C7AC164F9AD241FFFB5' identified by ComponentID '{09FBC228-8518-D3C7-AC16-4F9AD241FFFB}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_B28BCB17C2339BCAB09CFDF9313A2B5E' identified by ComponentID '{B28BCB17-7C23-39BC-AB09-CFDF9313A2B5}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_428C7FF49F6C0A69263D14B1203466F4' identified by ComponentID '{428C7FF4-49F6-C0A6-9263-D14B1203466F}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_92483890BC18DBB5DF9945CADB35F7B9' identified by ComponentID '{92483890-0BC1-8DBB-5DF9-945CADB35F7B}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_22B7208D9F0451BFCC86A38D21AB756C' identified by ComponentID '{22B7208D-D9F0-451B-FCC8-6A38D21AB756}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_843A7205852AF6D5F6EC0F2BB5317B91' identified by ComponentID '{843A7205-5852-AF6D-5F6E-C0F2BB5317B9}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_664A5C07E150BD8D65DFDEE5D143B5C8' identified by ComponentID '{664A5C07-7E15-0BD8-D65D-FDEE5D143B5C}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_ABE23872CBDDEEBA9D48558CF02A38A7' identified by ComponentID '{ABE23872-2CBD-DEEB-A9D4-8558CF02A38A}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_E7C9CDED2CA46F238A353CAE036D4FF0' identified by ComponentID '{E7C9CDED-D2CA-46F2-38A3-53CAE036D4FF}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_F10EAB2DC89C02AD77D86CCFE3C724A6' identified by ComponentID '{F10EAB2D-DC89-C02A-D77D-86CCFE3C724A}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component '_FC8F0D849528F4F93A5C33627085BC8D' identified by ComponentID '{FC8F0D84-4952-8F4F-93A5-C33627085BC8}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : error Val0006: The Component 'Global_VC_CRT.51D569E0_8A28_11D2_B962_006097C4DE24' identified by ComponentID '{1CA051B0-1B70-11D2-9ADD-006097C4E452}' is missing from the newest version of your setup. You can not delete components and still do a minor/small upgrade. You must perform a major upgrade. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{0000002f-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{00020420-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{00020421-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{00020422-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{00020423-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{00020424-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{00020425-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{0be35203-8f91-11ce-9de3-00aa004bb851}\clsid|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{0be35203-8f91-11ce-9de3-00aa004bb851}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{0be35204-8f91-11ce-9de3-00aa004bb851}\clsid|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{0be35204-8f91-11ce-9de3-00aa004bb851}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{46763ee0-cab2-11ce-8c20-00aa0051e5d4}\clsid|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|clsid\{b196b286-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\inprocserver32|threadingmodel'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{00020411-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{00020411-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{00020411-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{00020412-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{00020412-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{00020412-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{01e44665-24ac-101b-84ed-08002b2ec713}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{01e44665-24ac-101b-84ed-08002b2ec713}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{01e44665-24ac-101b-84ed-08002b2ec713}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{1cf2b120-547d-101b-8e65-08002b2bd119}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{1cf2b120-547d-101b-8e65-08002b2bd119}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{1cf2b120-547d-101b-8e65-08002b2bd119}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{22f03340-547d-101b-8e65-08002b2bd119}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{22f03340-547d-101b-8e65-08002b2bd119}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{22f03340-547d-101b-8e65-08002b2bd119}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{22f55881-280b-11d0-a8a9-00a0c90c2004}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{22f55881-280b-11d0-a8a9-00a0c90c2004}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{22f55881-280b-11d0-a8a9-00a0c90c2004}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{22f55882-280b-11d0-a8a9-00a0c90c2004}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{22f55882-280b-11d0-a8a9-00a0c90c2004}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{22f55882-280b-11d0-a8a9-00a0c90c2004}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{3127ca40-446e-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{3127ca40-446e-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{3127ca40-446e-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{376bd3aa-3845-101b-84ed-08002b2ec713}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{376bd3aa-3845-101b-84ed-08002b2ec713}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{376bd3aa-3845-101b-84ed-08002b2ec713}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{37d84f60-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{37d84f60-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{37d84f60-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{3af24290-0c96-11ce-a0cf-00aa00600ab8}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{3af24290-0c96-11ce-a0cf-00aa00600ab8}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{3af24290-0c96-11ce-a0cf-00aa00600ab8}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{4ef6100a-af88-11d0-9846-00c04fc29993}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{4ef6100a-af88-11d0-9846-00c04fc29993}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{4ef6100a-af88-11d0-9846-00c04fc29993}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{4ef6100a-af88-11d0-9846-00c04fc29993}\proxystubclsid|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{4ef6100a-af88-11d0-9846-00c04fc29993}\typelib|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{4ef6100a-af88-11d0-9846-00c04fc29993}\typelib|version'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{4ef6100a-af88-11d0-9846-00c04fc29993}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{4ef6100a-af88-11d0-9846-00c04fc29993}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{55272a00-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{55272a00-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{55272a00-42cb-11ce-8135-00aa004bb851}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{55980ba0-35aa-11cf-b671-00aa004cd6d8}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{55980ba0-35aa-11cf-b671-00aa004cd6d8}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{55980ba0-35aa-11cf-b671-00aa004cd6d8}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{742b0e01-14e6-101b-914e-00aa00300cab}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{742b0e01-14e6-101b-914e-00aa00300cab}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{742b0e01-14e6-101b-914e-00aa00300cab}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80980-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80981-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80981-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80981-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80981-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}\proxystubclsid|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80981-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}\typelib|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80981-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}\typelib|version'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80981-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7bf80981-bf32-101a-8bbb-00aa00300cab}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7fd52380-4e07-101b-ae2d-08002b2ec713}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7fd52380-4e07-101b-ae2d-08002b2ec713}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{7fd52380-4e07-101b-ae2d-08002b2ec713}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{894ad3b0-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{894ad3b0-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{894ad3b0-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{9bfbbc02-eff1-101a-84ed-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{9bfbbc02-eff1-101a-84ed-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{9bfbbc02-eff1-101a-84ed-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{9c2cad80-3424-11cf-b670-00aa004cd6d8}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{9c2cad80-3424-11cf-b670-00aa004cd6d8}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{9c2cad80-3424-11cf-b670-00aa004cd6d8}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{a1faf330-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{a1faf330-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{a1faf330-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{a6bc3ac0-dbaa-11ce-9de3-00aa004bb851}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{a6bc3ac0-dbaa-11ce-9de3-00aa004bb851}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{a6bc3ac0-dbaa-11ce-9de3-00aa004bb851}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{a7aba9c1-8983-11cf-8f20-00805f2cd064}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{a7aba9c1-8983-11cf-8f20-00805f2cd064}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{a7aba9c1-8983-11cf-8f20-00805f2cd064}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b283-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b283-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b283-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b284-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b284-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b284-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b285-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b285-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b285-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b286-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b286-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b286-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b287-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b287-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b287-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b288-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b288-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b288-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b289-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b289-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b289-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28b-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28b-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28b-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28c-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28c-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28c-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28d-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28d-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28d-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28f-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28f-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b196b28f-bab4-101a-b69c-00aa00341d07}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b3e7c340-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b3e7c340-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{b3e7c340-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bd1ae5e0-a6ae-11ce-bd37-504200c10000}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bd1ae5e0-a6ae-11ce-bd37-504200c10000}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bd1ae5e0-a6ae-11ce-bd37-504200c10000}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e002-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e002-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e002-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e003-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e003-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e003-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e003-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}\proxystubclsid|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e003-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}\typelib|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e003-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}\typelib|version'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e003-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{bef6e003-a874-101a-8bba-00aa00300cab}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{cf51ed10-62fe-11cf-bf86-00a0c9034836}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{cf51ed10-62fe-11cf-bf86-00a0c9034836}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{cf51ed10-62fe-11cf-bf86-00a0c9034836}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{d001f200-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{d001f200-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{d001f200-ef97-11ce-9bc9-00aa00608e01}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{fc4801a3-2ba9-11cf-a229-00aa003d7352}\nummethods|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{fc4801a3-2ba9-11cf-a229-00aa003d7352}\proxystubclsid32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_OLEAUT32.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|interface\{fc4801a3-2ba9-11cf-a229-00aa003d7352}|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|typelib\{00020430-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\2.0\0\win32|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|typelib\{00020430-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\2.0\flags|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|typelib\{00020430-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\2.0\helpdir|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '0|typelib\{00020430-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}\2.0|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '2|software\microsoft\cryptography\rng|seed'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0009: A registry entry has been removed from the component 'Global_System_STDOLE.8C0C59A0_7DC8_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This key must be added to the RemoveRegistry table, otherwise it will be orphaned by an upgrade. '2|software\microsoft\cryptography|'. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0015: The CreateFolder table contains new content. Therefore, if you are packaging this upgrade as a patch, you will not be able to make it an uninstallable patch. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0015: The Font table contains new content. Therefore, if you are packaging this upgrade as a patch, you will not be able to make it an uninstallable patch. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0015: The ISSelfReg table contains new content. Therefore, if you are packaging this upgrade as a patch, you will not be able to make it an uninstallable patch. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0015: The ISIISItem table contains new content. Therefore, if you are packaging this upgrade as a patch, you will not be able to make it an uninstallable patch. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi ISDEV : warning Val0015: The ISIISProperty table contains new content. Therefore, if you are packaging this upgrade as a patch, you will not be able to make it an uninstallable patch. d:\j\workspace\ilab-6.0-build\ilab\installers\ilab\released\ilab.msi Creating Patch Configuration Properties... Building MsiPatchMetadata table ISDEV : warning -7202: Patches for traditional style InstallScript MSI projects will not be displayed in Add/Remove Programs and cannot be uninstalled. Building ISPatchWholeFile table Creating Patch... Validating MSI input file... Table: Properties Table: ImageFamilies Table: UpgradedImages Table: TargetImages Table: UpgradedFilesToIgnore Table: ExternalFiles Table: TargetFiles_OptionalData Table: FamilyFileRanges Table: UpgradedFiles_OptionalData Creating file patches... Family1 Creating cabinet file... ISDEV : error -6415: There was an error creating the patch package. Writing contents of log file 'D:\J\workspace\iLab-6.0-Build\ilab\Installers\iLab\iLabv6.0Patch\Interm\PatchCreation.log' to output window. The patch creation process has completed with: 49 Errors and 166 Warnings. ================= Logging stopped at 5/13/2020 08:21:07 AM ================== Log file has been created: