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since ‎Feb 19, 2015
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Hi allI need to host multiple instances of an installer i have built and I have built it in basic msi project. From what I have learnt I can host multiple instance by defining the number of instances at build time, but what I need is installing virtu...
Hey allFrom what I have learnt I can manage and create websites and application pools in installshield. Is there a way I can manage the web server itself ? Like I need to change ISAPI and CGI configurations of the web server. How is that possible?Sec...
Hey all, I recently ran into this problem. When I am installing IIS by enabling it from roles and features no restart is required but when i am installing it using installshield Advanced UI project it requires a restart to enable the roles and featur...
I install a prerequisite which requires a restart. I want the installation to continue from the point where this feature prerequisite was installed but it starts again from the beginning. Is there a solution to this? Please help ASAP
So here is the deal.I am deploying a set of files in my basic msi project and I want that except one all the files should always be replaced whenever the upgrade occurs. I have added all the files by dynamic link except the file i wanted to keep as i...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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