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since ‎Jan 17, 2002
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I need an InstallScript equivalent of the following function for getting the language-specific "User" group NAME from it's standard windows Security Identifier (S-1-5-32-545). I need to implement it in InstallScript in a software installer. The pr...
My company wants to leave our knowledge base files in an uncompressed directory on the CD or media folder so that users can pick and choose which ones they wish to install. The only problem there is that when you remove a file that has been configur...
I have converted an InstallShield 2008 InstallScript-MSI project to 2011. Without having done anything to Minor Upgrade, suddenly one of the directories is being RESET to the default INSTALLDIR during Minor Upgrade. It should be something like INST...
I was looking for a copy of the AskPathDlg.rul script in Installshield 2011. It seems that all of the Dialog scripts are missing now. They used to be in the Script\isrt\src directory. All that is left THERE is a pathetically small number of SQL dia...
I am baffled. I have a custom action that is supposed to write and XML file. It has no conditions placed on it yet, but it WILL NOT EXECUTE. The perverted thing is that it executes during UNINSTALL. But it will not execute during INSTALL. AGGRAV...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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