Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran
since ‎Mar 08, 2013
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During agent inventory, core dump files may be generated in /opt/managesoft while the inventory process is completing. This issue occurs because the Java executable crashes when the agent tries to retrieve version information during the inventory sca...
Beacons in FlexNet Manager Suite require the IIS website to use the default name used by IIS ("Default Web Site"). If your website uses a custom (non-default) name, you may receive the error below. The error occurs when configuring the "Local web ser...
If there are issues with a source table, you can run a successful business adapter data import that results in rejected records. Any rejected records don't get imported to the FlexNet Manager Suite database. When this issue occurs, you will see the m...
You can use a business adapter to schedule an import that unlinks multiple inventories from their assets. In the Computer Object > Asset ID view: Set the Source to SQL Value.Set the Value field to NULL.Set the Update rule to Always update the propert...
When checking for trace rejection messages in a business adapter import, a message like the example below will appear if one of the mandatory fields for an object is not populated in the source data, even if the column isn’t used for matching. Exampl...
Online status:
‎Sep 20, 2024
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