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since ‎Mar 14, 2011
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Hi,I am having following errors during upgrade to IS2016: ISDEV : error -7354: The English (United States) value for string 'ID_STRING_4E7BEA0A-8E41-4C1F-BF39-528BCD44370E' does not contain a legitimate value for table ISXmlElementAttrib column Name...
After upgrading to InstallShield 2016 I am getting a lot of -7354 errors during buildThe English (United States) value for string "...." does not contain a legitimate value for table RemoveFile column FileNameSome FileName values that i have: *.jso...
Hello,Can the MSI Log Analyzer be runned using the command line (SAB)We have a build server that installs the product every night and takes the verbose MSI log as artifact.Now I would like to include the better generated reports and display it in the...
Hello,Can someone tell me the recomended way to remove a file during upgrade.1. Delete the component (Bad) I think that needs a major upgrade2. Remove the file from the component (I think that repair functionality will fail)3. Something with the File...
Hello,I am trying to set folder permissions to some folders.The NetworkService needs full control to the followinf directories: - [WindowsFolder]\Temp - [INSTALLDIR]\SomeFolderI tried do do that using the permissions dialog: => Domain: [%USERDOMAIN...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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