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since ‎Mar 10, 2011
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Hi,After jumping to a new dialog, I want to do a CA automatically, without any end user operation, e.g. clicking button.In the dialog before this one, I tried to put "NewDialog" before "DoAction", but the new dialog was not opened untill the CA was f...
Hi,My aim is to add some Chinese characters into a UTF-8 txt file.When I tried to achieve it with FileInsertLine, the added Chinese characters were saved as symbols.But the same operation worked correctly on the txt files in ANSI and Unicode format.S...
Hi,I am working on a Basic MSI project with InstallShield 2009. During installation, I need to copy a folder with hundreds empty sub-folders. But XCopyFile did not copy any of empty sub-folder.Here is the copy code:XCopyFile(szOrigFolder ^ "*.*", szT...
Hi,I am working on a major upgrade job. One of the major upgrade settings is "Completely uninstall old setup before installing new setup". After this uninstall, I want to implement a custom action. And the problem is the condition of the custom actio...
I am working on a Basic MSI Project, and when uninstall my program, I want to do some operations (e.g. delete a specific folder).This issue is easy for uninstalling with installation package: Function -> Custom Action -> Dialog Event. But I do not kn...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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