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since ‎Jan 24, 2003
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Hello,on Windows 10, if I try to check the version of the UCRTBase.dll on Windows 10 with the IS script function:nResult = VerGetFileVersion(sFile, sVersion), I get the wrong version.For example I expect the version, but the IS functio...
Hello,I have an icon for the shortcut to my application.The icon file has four sizes 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256.After installation the shortcut seems to have lost the 256x256 version.This only happens when using loose .ico files. When referring ...
After my product is installed there are several files ISBEW64.exe left on the system (in C:\Program FIles\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\{guid}\).This file is Install Shield 64-bit Setup Engine.We using BasicMSI projects with IS script custom acti...
Online status:
‎Dec 14, 2022
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